Rānui Apartments
Opening 2024
Breaking New Ground
The expansion of Rānui from 26 to 69 family apartments will continue the Trusts’ aim and passion of ‘Keeping Families Together’ and providing a ‘Home Away From Home’.
For many patients and families, Rānui Apartments cannot come fast enough.
The demand for our services is constant and growing, every day we are in the unfortunate position of having to decline family stays with us, simply because we are full.
Our fundraising journey began in 2010 when the Bone Marrow Cancer Trust anticipated future demand and purchased land near the hospital on Selwyn Street to offer an additional 43 fully self-contained (one, two and three bedroom) apartments to be known as Rānui Apartments.
We were halfway towards our fundraising goal of $12 Million when the global pandemic hit, making fundraising a challenge under the difficult economic climate. In 2020, the Trust was successful in securing Crown funding of $7 Million from the New Zealand Government Shovel Ready Project Initiative. This government funding meant that we could once again proceed with confidence. Without this financial support, Rānui Apartments would have remained an unattainable dream.
Our new facility will also provide accommodation for one-night stays, which we have not been able offer in the past.
The Trust is extremely grateful to the Otago Community Trust, Rata Foundation, Aoraki Trust, the Community Trust of Mid and South Canterbury, Independent Fisheries, D C Doyle Charitable Trust, NZCT, Lion Foundation, Kiwi Gaming Foundation and the Glasson Family for their support and belief in funding this project to benefit Kiwis that come to Christchurch for lifesaving medical treatment.
Construction is now well underway and the completion date is set for September 2024.
We welcome support for this outstanding project by way of sponsorship and donation of goods and services, please contact Mandy Kennedy, CEO at mandy@bmct.org.nz or 021 333321.